Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday, March 4th update on Adam

Well, friends, I'm pretty sure that my last blog post was one of the most poorly written ever.  I wrote that on the hotel computer one night while I was waiting for some laundry to finish. I believe one of my friends referred to something called "hospital head" on social media and that is clearly evident in my writing.

Something that I forgot to mention in that post was that Adam went without food or anything to drink by mouth for 13 days.  THAT, my friends, is a very long time.  I have become convinced that part of the suffering of hell will truly be a desire to have a cool drink and the denial thereof.  I had to watch my son beg for something to drink and to watch him only get relief from touching a wet sponge to his lips.  He told us that he was going to buy those "water lollipops" by the bag and take them home with him.  But on the first day that they let him drink real sips of water those lollipops lost their appeal.  

Last night Adam was able to eat half of a Subway sandwich (which Craig went out to get for him) which was his first really delicious food so far.  I've been told that he ordered a huge breakfast this morning which I'm sure will taste so much better since his feeding tube was removed last night after another CT scan.  I honestly don't know how he was able to swallow anything comfortably with that tube going down the back of his throat.

This experience has certainly added to my list of "things I never want to happen to me if I am in the hospital".  

I just got a text from Craig saying that they put Adam back on NPO (nothing by mouth) because the CAT scan showed that his pancreas is still inflamed.  I'm sure that is crushing news for my son.  He has worked so hard to try to get stronger these past few days--up walking and eating good food even though it was difficult to swallow.

Stay tuned and thank you so much for your prayers.

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