Monday, July 30, 2012

Church Ladies Speciality

Tonight I revived a wonderful dish from my childhood with a little of my own twist to it.

If you are looking for a delicious, simple, hot sandwich idea for summer or anytime, this is the one you want.

Here's how the recipe looks in the church cookbook from before I was born:

So when I was a kid we ate this made with Spam and I had no problem with that then.  But they make Spam with chicken now and I am deathly allergic so I make it with ham.

I can remember my mom making this with her old grinder thing that she hung on the edge of our countertop in the kitchen.  She would make it for company or just us and it was such a delicious smell coming from the oven.

I use my food processor in 2012 and can make it in just a couple minutes.  

And I am fully aware that it looks really NASTY in its "before" stage, but trust me when I say it is delicious.

I took these sandwiches to our small group once (back when we actually had one) and it was a huge hit.

We ate them tonight and they were just right for a light supper on a summer's day just as they are perfect for a cold wintery night.

Mine were a little too close to the broiler in this batch.  When they are at the right place it only takes about 5 minutes to brown and cook them.

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